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MathRen for Flarum

MIT license Latest Stable Version Total Downloads

An extension that handles TeX math rendering for your Flarum forum.



Click to view settings screenshot



composer require starsrivers/flarum-mathren


composer update starsrivers/flarum-mathren
php flarum cache:clear


Enable the extension.

Block Expressions

Wrap your TeX code with [math] and [/math] or your custom delimiters.

[math]\int_{-\infty}^\infty\hat\xi\,e^{2\pi i\xi x}\,d\xi[/math]

Block expressions will be wrapped with .mathren-block class.

Inline Expressions

Wrap your TeX code with [imath] and [/imath] or your custom delimiters.

Lorem ipsum dolor [imath]\varDelta = b^2-4ac[/imath] sit amet.

Inline expressions will be wrapped with .mathren-inline class.

Ignoring Expressions

If you’re willing to show the TeX code with delimiters, there are three options:

  1. Wrap your expression with `backticks` or code tag.
    • You must set it as an ignored tag from the settings page.
  2. Wrap your expression with an ignored class.
    • You can set ignored classes from the settings page.
  3. Use a decisive keyword with your expressions.
    • The keyword is ignore by default. But you can change it or assign multiple keywords from the settings page. You must write one of those keywords inside a BBCode (i.e. [math=keyword]x^3[/math]).

.mathren-ignore class will be added into ignored expression’s wrapper by default. But you can change it from the settings page.